Tuesday, March 24, 2009


ENGL 4740



MATRIC NO: 0510678




Mark Darhower, author of the International Features of Synchronous Computer mediated Communication in the Intermediate L2 Class: A Sociocultural Case Study (CALICO Journal, 2002, Vol.19, Num 1, pp 249-277) presented his study to examine the social interactive features of chat-synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC).
This study is meant to explore the specific interactional features which are intersubjectivity, off-task discussion, greetings and leave takings, identity exploration and role play, humour and sarcasm and use of the L1 (English) in two fourth-semester college Spanish classes. These communicative behaviours help learners to transform the chat room environment into a learner-centered discourse community. This is because, the use of language and discourse functions go farther than the ordinary L2 classroom.

Research Question
The study focuses only on the first question from the larger study that consisted of five research questions. The research question that was dealt with was: What are some outstanding interactional features in chat among learners and the teacher?

The participant of this research involved 33 learners and the teacher of two fourth-semester Spanish classes at the University of Pittsburgh. The classes met for three contact hours per week with two of the class meetings wee held in the classroom and the third meeting was held in a computer laboratory. Intermediate Spanish classes at the university took integrated-skill language instruction in speaking, listening, reading and writing. This has helped to an easier analysis that shares characteristics of both writing and speaking.

Duration of Study
The study was conducted throughout nine weeks of in-class chat sessions.

Methods/ Research Design
The design of this research was based on qualitative research. In the beginning, learners were asked to select a pseudonym for the purpose of the chat room discussions. The pseudonyms were to encourage genuine, uncontrolled communication and to provide anonymity in the research findings. As the WebCT program gave immediate access to four separate chat rooms. Each class was divided into four groups. Learners were given a handout about the topic and task at the beginning of every chat session. In order to meet the research needs of the study, researcher designed the chat activities in coordination with the course instructor. The chat topics from the original reading passages and/ or video segment were introduced in class sessions. Mingling among the four chat rooms, the instructor at the head laboratory participated for a short time in each of the discussions. The researcher was there during the chat sessions to deal with technical problems as well as to observe the research environment.

Data Analysis
In this qualitative research, data was selected from the 300 pages of chat room transcripts examples of discourse features that related to the research question. The transcripts were arranged into periods or episodes related to the week number and the assigned groups. For instance, episode 2B applied to the second group in the second week and so on. Throughout the semester, the members were changed twice in order to let learners to communicate with new classmates. Specific patters were determined and indexed after multiple passes of the transcript data were made. Then, the interactional features were clarifies in form of discourse extract together with justification. The principal approach to this data analysis used Vygotskian sociocultural theoretical framework and discourse analysis as a research tool. This theory highlighted the social aspects of language learning and became a model to formulate the study of CMC as a medium of language learning.

The analysis from the data produced the interactional features of interest: intersubjectivity, off-task discussion, social cohesiveness, greeting and leave takings, use of humour and sarcasm/ insult; exploration of identities and role play and the use of L1 (English).
In intersubjectivity, discourse analysis disclosed that the learners managed to overcome the communicative challenges like the effect of non-verbal communication and the problem in turn-taking. They maintained the state of understand with each other in their L2 throughout 45-minute weekly session.

Off-task remarks happened in many episodes and learners seemed to always discuss whether or not they go off-task and what off-task topic to talk about.
Meanwhile, in establishing social cohesiveness, Spanish learners engaged themselves with greetings, leave takings and politeness that allowed themselves to share their feeling and show a sense of sociability in their online discourse community. Other social cohesiveness is the use of humour such as teasing and joking between the learner and instructor. These functions acted as ways for them to develop their sociolinguitic competence in their L2.
Some learners also took in role plays during the chat sessions. The role play provided learners the opportunity to enjoy themselves and try out with new identities.
The use of sarcasm and insults became flaming that it was a form of humour among learners. They were not meant to insult each other but just to enjoy themselves in Spanish.
The final interactional features in this study were the use of the L1 (English). The data showed that learners and instructor kept Spanish as their communication language with minimal use of English. English was used for the purpose of maintaining their conversation in Spanish as well as to identify an unclear word or expression in Spanish.
Thus, this study explained by discourse analysis proved the distinctive ways of how they reacted in the chat room environment. The instruction in this study gave evidence about the nature of computer mediation in the L2 learning process.

The findings from the study on the interactive features of synchronous CMC in-class chat sessions explained how the L2 learners of Spanish constructed the chat room environment into a learner-centered discourse community. This is described by discussion of topics of mutual interest, social cohesiveness and group belonging, joking and teasing, experimenting with identities, role plays as well as insulting each other playfully. What could be seen from the data is different to the situation here in Malaysia . It is true that many schools and universities do employ task-based system to language teaching and deliver integrated skills language approach like speaking, listening, reading and writing. But rather, the use of synchronous CMC chat rooms in language instruction is not really applied yet while chat rooms are the interesting environments to study L2 interaction. The Spanish learners at the University of Pittsburgh in the research used their L2 in the chat rooms to create solidarity and have fun and at the same time, developing their sociolinguistic competence.
I would say that it must be affective to implement the synchronous CMC in Malaysian schools as computer mediation can be very beneficial in improving the L2 (English) learning process. The East part of Malaysia especially Kelantan could be the best place where the synchronous CMC should be applied because the computer technology seems to still be new there. Learners of English must be very interested to practice their English because the chat room environments promise them a different situation from the ordinary conventional classroom. Besides, the chat room communication will also recover learners’ personalities of being too shy and reserved to speak with their friends and the teacher in the classroom. I encountered the same problem back in time when I was in schools years ago. I had so much passion for English but I could not bear seeing many eyes staring at me once I uttered even a simple word of “thank you”. Thus, the unfriendly environment did not really allow me to practice the language but the usefulness of synchronous CMC would be a better solution to those hindrances that only make learners feel discourage and hopeless to improve their L2. Indeed, the communicative behaviours that learners use in the chat room environment do not only give a real satisfaction in using the language but the learner-centered discourse community will make them learn better.


Darhower, M. (2002). Interactional features of Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication in the Intemediate L2 Class: A Sociocultural Study. CALICO Journal, Vol.19 (2), 249-277 (Online journal). Retrieved February 27, 2009, from:



Language in Social Context

In order to identify and examine the language used in a chat room environment, I selected and analyzed a popular Yahoo Messenger (YM) global chat room that talked about movies. I found that this global room, (Movie!-chat) is preferable to many chatters to talk about their favourite actor and actresses and to express themselves through the language (English).
To analyse the language in movie chat room, I investigated the overall impact of language used by studying the topic and the responses from the chatters. In addition, I read and referred to Stubbs (1983) Discourse Analysis: The Sociolinguistic Analysis of Natural Language and Coulthard (1985) An Introduction to Discourse Analysis, for me to explore the relation between the languages used by the chatters and discourse analysis. As far as discourse analysis is concern, it involves and deals with language use in social context, especially with interaction or dialogue between speakers. According to Stubbs (1983), “As soon as we start to study how language is used in social interaction, it becomes clear that communication is possible without shared knowledge and assumptions between speakers and hearers” (p.1). Because of this, language and situation are inseparable. Based on the transcripts data from the Movie1-chat room, I analyzed the everyday uses of language, functions and style of language being used there.
Given the fact that chat room ids different from a typical interaction, the interesting environment of chat room actually combines the textuality of written communication with the real-time interactivity of face-to-face communication. I noticed that the shatters tended to use everyday language that is the informal English throughout the chatting session. This is because, chatting room is sorted out with its own topic of interest that give different situations and chatters found it easier to use everyday language as it is much more flexible. Much of the informal English used evolved around local and international gossip and concerned with film stars even some part of the data transcripts showed how they liked to go off-topic and talk about other topic instead of movies. The English used also portrayed that the room was joined by native speakers and non-native speakers. This is obvious when one of the chatters with pseudonym (ringo_812000) confessed that his English was bad and it was hard for him to explain about aliens. For instance, he said; “I’M FROM LIBYA …I DON’T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN THAT. His other utterances like “ I WANT TOLD ABOUT MY STORY…ANGEL GIVE’S TO ME SOMETHING TO DRINK” differentiate the correct grammatical used by the native speakers.
Even so, the concept of natural interaction could also be seen from the chatters’ spontaneous, unplanned and casual utterances. These features helped to explain why there were many “ungrammatical sentences” in the data. This point does not imply that the speakers’ language is ungrammatical but rather, it is due to the spontaneous in the sense of unplanned ideas and it is composed in real time chat room environment. That is why, many sentences were written without the definite articles and modifiers (e.g.: this and that).
In the meantime, another element in studying language in this kind of social context is through the language functions. In fact, language can have many functions and it is not just to communicate clear messages and express feelings only (Stubb, 1983). My transcripts data revealed that the movie chat room discussion functioned as ways for them to establish and maintain social relationships and solidarity. Other function of language used in the room include releasing tension utterance such (e.g.; kasedkarem28: “I m going….awaaaaaaaaaay”). The functions of language are helpful to explain why different social interaction influence the kind of language used.
In addition, the collected data also demonstrated that the conversation of the community in the chat room comprised a set of style. Coulthard (1985) explains that “Speakers may choose among styles and their choices have social meaning. One of the most reliable ways of making people laugh is to adopt a style inappropiate to a particular context or message. To illustrate this, chatter with a pseudonym (tweeeekerbell) used a wrong pronunciation for a country name, Libya by saying that it was not Libya but Labia. His style creates a social meaning, which it to make others laugh and surprisingly, people really laughed at his joke.
The results of my analysis show that language in social context in the chatting room environment includes the everyday uses of language, serve as certain functions and use a particular social style. Certainly, these features promote the solidarity and enjoyment to the whole community.

Coulthard, M. (1985). An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (2nd ed.) New York: Longman.

Stubbs, M. (1983). Discourse analysis: The Sociolinguitic analysis of Natural language. Chicago:Basil Blackwell.


Movies:1-- Chat
danielcochran7: lol
just_nuisance: lol
queen_of_snark: my betta likes to be petted
rj_macready6: not like brying a doberman..
just_nuisance: sewer fish
ringo_812000: IF YOU WANT SEE ME
darennee: i understand u..
kirstiey_1984766 left the room
adamscain2: dogs eat cats cats eat fish
darennee: see u fly?
danielcochran7: put two betas in 1 tank
hidiu_1986560 left the room
rj_macready6: cats arent fun to bury either
boss_nada left the room
queen_tina_rocks: haha
choirdiva29: lmfao
adamscain2: lo rj
queen_tina_rocks: he's too skinny for mantits
ringo_812000: NOT RELLAY FLY
just_nuisance: cats get stuck when you flush them
danielcochran7 left the room
adamscain2: just!
vtallis_1985681 joined the room
nroland_1982511 joined the room
ethansdaddy50: 625 am
audreywest644: guys with cams hit me up
the_eb_and_flow: bob a job
loveinnepal15 joined the room
wasim_esteam joined the room
adamscain2: lmao ***** tits
audreywest644: what are you all up to? anyone feelin flirty?
just_nuisance: 3 out 10 burp
ethansdaddy50: fight club
jjyy31 joined the room
luvable_rachelle_892: hey everyone im back and ready to party hehe
sweet_desiree_242: hi guys!
vtallis_1985681 left the room
audreywest644: im cold and could use some suggestions on how to warm up ehehe
darennee: how did they do that..
nroland_1982511 left the room
queen_tina_rocks: HAHAH
choirdiva29: lol
ringo_812000: NOT ME
adamscain2: ok so im republican and like miami vice so sue me
just_nuisance: ah meh riek ka
kasedkarem28: they re so busy
queen_tina_rocks: haha
irfanmalik15 left the room
lovermanluqman joined the room
audreywest644: did someone steal my towel in here? hehehe
ethansdaddy50: sarah palin is sexy hot
rgladys_1975711 joined the room
darennee: so, who..d angel??
rj_macready6: tweeks got a handle on it
sage_francis_political_genius joined the room
yours_cuteanurag left the room
adamscain2: ko ethan
dtheophania_1983304 joined the room
nevi_sorai joined the room
ethansdaddy50: lol
adamscain2: lmao
rj_macready6: next.. a cat that peels oranges
ringo_812000: ANGEL
choirdiva29: Sorry Ethan I can't agree lol
darennee: ok..
audreywest644: anyone got pics? lets chat and trade
queen_tina_rocks: Tony go eat a cock.
rj_macready6: tony ehhh
ethansdaddy50: april sarah palin would love you long time
rj_macready6: go wack someone
audreywest644: i think i need less time studying and more guys pming me! lol
rj_macready6: eat a canoli..
choirdiva29: Umm she ain't loving me long time lmao
ethansdaddy50: lol
rgladys_1975711 left the room
adamscain2: lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao rj
choirdiva29: lol
dtheophania_1983304 left the room
rj_macready6: noi joisy smells ehh'
pushnisha_1981714 joined the room
j1978barmand248: Hello
ethansdaddy50: april gonna fog up sarahs glasses
zatowg left the room
nsemih_1976639 joined the room
nevi_sorai left the room
choirdiva29: lmao Ethan, Nah i'll let you do that
wasim_esteam left the room
kasedkarem28: i m going
ethansdaddy50: lol
xiseult_1986239 joined the room
katreny_1988876 joined the room
queen_tina_rocks: Tweek, answer my PM, yo
alme3ris joined the room
darennee: so u got to see him every now n then right..
xiseult_1986239: Hello
kasedkarem28: awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
katreny_1988876: Hello
kasedkarem28: any word
jjyy31 left the room
ringo_812000: YES
audreywest644: did someone steal my towel in here? hehehe
luvable_rachelle_892: anyone here want to chat?
adamscain2: the chick on sat. night live who does sarah is great
ethansdaddy50: sarahs daughter is sexy too
sweet_desiree_242: what to do what to do, I feel like going shopping
pushnisha_1981714 left the room
nsemih_1976639 left the room
darennee: wow..i wish i cud too..
queen_tina_rocks: Told you. Crack.
xiseult_1986239 left the room
just_nuisance: busted
sexxxy_silva_165: omg did you really?!
katreny_1988876 left the room
rythemoflove2000 joined the room
gina_52ng joined the room
adamscain2: tweeker is doing meth...
darennee: buy what? the drink is it..
ringo_812000: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?
adamscain2: lol
audreywest644: if youre into cute and funn im your girl!
sage_francis_political_genius left the room
darennee: Malaysia
ringo_812000: YES
adamscain2: she dont do coke
sherlockk_1985134 joined the room
kasedkarem28: lady speaking u have apeautiful voice
ethansdaddy50: tweeker on the phone with sarah
adamscain2: lmao ethen
fthoralf_1989710 joined the room
audreywest644: whos around? ne1?
rakelc_1980903 joined the room
adamscain2: lmao eb
ringo_812000: GOOD
audreywest644: what are you all up to? anyone feelin flirty?
darennee: hey, what happened to d alien??
if_shit_makes_bliss: rickman rocks as hans gruber
darennee: died or what..
queen_tina_rocks: What the ****?
sherlockk_1985134 left the room
ringo_812000: I'M FROM LIBYA
audreywest644: is this room just full of fake chicks? where are the dudes?
gina_52ng left the room
fthoralf_1989710 left the room
ringo_812000: NOT ALIEN
rakelc_1980903 left the room
ringo_812000: IT'S JEAN
tweeeekerbell: u arent from libya
darennee: jean..
tweeeekerbell: ur from labia
kasedkarem28 left the room
tweeeekerbell: ask ur mom
love_smuggler joined the room
ringo_812000: YES
darennee: good / bad jean??
tweeeekerbell: she'll even tell u
if_shit_makes_bliss: lol tweek
ringo_812000: LIBYA
adamscain2: im naked and ebs not
audreywest644: anyone not busy and wanna chat w/ me?
tweeeekerbell: LABIA
queen_tina_rocks: we're all from labia..which makes us related
darennee: libya jean??
luvable_rachelle_892: cute girl here! PM me!
adamscain2: lol
sweet_desiree_242: hey everyone im back and ready to party hehe
larger_then_lyfe joined the room
ethansdaddy50: i bet cass is naked right now
audreywest644: ne guys wanna chat? i need some1 to make me smile
ringo_812000: DO YO KNOW JEAN?
desart_rose11 left the room
darennee: sure..
sexxxy_silva_165: jessica i cant find u in here, pm me!!
queen_tina_rocks: Do you know DICK?
the_eb_and_flow: richard
ringo_812000: I LOVE HIM
the_eb_and_flow: head
audreywest644: i bet i can make someone in here happy.. hit me up
queen_tina_rocks: ME TOO
ringo_812000: THE ANGEL
the_eb_and_flow: pre owned dick
queen_tina_rocks: Uhh yeah, the angel.
ethansdaddy50: i saw kevin bacon get killed in frday the 13th the original i forgot he was in it
audreywest644: bored girl needs entertaining here!
queen_tina_rocks: Thats right.
darennee: did u see him tday?
audreywest644: gentlemen... start your webcams! lol chat me up fellas!
desart_rose11 joined the room
danielcochran7 joined the room
if_shit_makes_bliss: that's cuz he died
larger_then_lyfe left the room
audreywest644: im cold and could use some suggestions on how to warm up ehehe
queen_tina_rocks: hha
ringo_812000: YES
danielcochran7: lol
ringo_812000: DO YOU KNOW ME
darennee: good 4 u..
queen_tina_rocks: ahaha
ringo_812000: WHY WATCHING ANGEL
ethansdaddy50: ringo is MR RIGHT magica
darennee: may him guide u alwys
queen_tina_rocks: Touched by an Angel
audreywest644: fellas if youre feeling flirty hit me up
queen_tina_rocks: in the naughty spot
luvable_rachelle_892: thats what she said!
ringo_812000: TO HELP ME
serafinoo_1981311 joined the room
serafinoo_1981311: Hello
lovermanluqman: i talk muslim any muslim here?
ringo_812000: LIKE BEATLES SONGS
audreywest644: anyone got pics? lets chat and trade
queen_tina_rocks: The Beatles blow.
zaina_rish left the room
sexxxy_silva_165: anyone here feeling lazy today?
adamscain2: lol full metal jacket...are you a peter you su,,k di..cks?
adamscain2: lmao
audreywest644: i think i need less time studying and more guys pming me! lol
rythemoflove2000 left the room
tardosq_1986388 joined the room
cat_cat251 joined the room
queen_tina_rocks: Eb, stop being gay!
queen_of_snark: oh wow tina
queen_tina_rocks: What?
serafinoo_1981311 left the room
the_eb_and_flow: stop being a cat inslaver
darennee: i bet the angel loves the beatles 2..hehe
audreywest644: im cold and could use some suggestions on how to warm up ehehe
samsona_1983517 joined the room
queen_tina_rocks: Cuse I can? queen_tina_rocks: cause**

maqmaq21 joined the room

j1978barmand248 left the room adamscain2: i bet ya could suck a

golf ball threw a garden hose adamscain2:

lmao queen_tina_rocks: no I dont hate anyone..but its fun to say. danielcochran7: wtf is up with tweeeker, lol tardosq_1986388 left the room

audreywest644: did someone steal my towel in here? hehehe

abhi_burman2002 joined the room


ethansdaddy50: tweeker was robbed of her virginity by sarah palin

nortechicokrew joined the room

darennee: yup..

houdaodog joined the room

samsona_1983517 left the room

adamscain2: tweeker and eb have a thang going on

cat_cat251 left the room d

anielcochran7: lol queen_tina_rocks: Alrighty n

ortechicokrew: Hey. adamscain2: watch darennee: he's so special..

queen_tina_rocks: Night Snark and Tweek.

queen_tina_rocks: later fags

audreywest644: anyone got pics? lets chat and trade q

ueen_tina_rocks left the room


adamscain2: wink

darennee: ur special 2 coz u got 2 see him

queen_of_snark: Night night


audreywest644: i think i need less time studying and more guys pming me! lol

danielcochran7: crazy just_nuisance: fkin nutters adamscain2: i heard ebs cat luvable_rachelle_892: i would sooo luv one right now

vparnita_1989218 joined the room
audreywest644: im cold and could use some suggestions on how to warm up ehehe

sweet_desiree_242: hahaha ur so silly michelle adamscain2: lol

nortechicokrew: What's happening, people?


sexxxy_silva_165: weeeee hey hey guys!

ethansdaddy50 left the room

abhi_burman2002 left the room n

ortechicokrew: Oh yeah, that exciting eh?

audreywest644: did someone steal my towel in here? hehehe

houdaodog: hi room r

nortechicokrew: Well **** me.

parnita_1989218 left the room

comsian03 joined the room a

damscain2: plenty audreywest644: anyone got pics? lets chat and trade

darennee: u told him that..
audreywest644: i think i need less time studying and more guys pming me! lol ringo_812000: YES r

ingo_812000: I'M LIVING IN LIBYA a

damscain2: tweeker snoffs meth...eb takes nice pictures r

ingo_812000: IF YOU WANT TO COME LIBYA a

udreywest644: <-- needs someone to cheer her up

comsian03: hi comsian03: whats going on

danielcochran7: nortechicokrew left the room comsian03: make little chill

comsian03: enjoy ur present time
audreywest644: fellas if youre feeling flirty hit me up nauty_boy_c2c left the room

desart_rose11 left the room

ann_86mc joined the room flirtwatsonrso joined the room a

damscain2: lol eb oliysuper_1 joined the room

darennee: only in Libya ..??

audreywest644: ne guys wanna chat? i need some1 to make me smile

luvable_rachelle_892: omg did you really?!
danielcochran7: crazy **** on voice, lol
darennee: angel should be everywhere..
sweet_desiree_242: no way!!!
if_shit_makes_bliss left the room d
anielcochran7: if_shit_makes_bliss joined the room
audreywest644: i bet i can make someone in here happy.. hit me up


oliysuper_1: hellow i com from iran

adamscain2: i eat spam..and vegimite
sexxxy_silva_165: i want pizza someone buy me some! adamscain2: lol
audreywest644: is this room just full of fake chicks? where are the dudes?
comsian03: i have a pizza for you maqmaq21 left the room
adamscain2: we have the armani dry cleaned
ringo_812000: TO SEE ME AND SEE YOU a
nn_86mc left the room darennee: yeah
audreywest644: gentlemen... start your webcams! lol chat me up fellas! b
ikash_prdn joined the room
serat_al7ob left the room
ringo_812000: OR COME TO MALIESIEA
oliysuper_1: iam aboy
audreywest644: im cold and could use some suggestions on how to warm up ehehe the_eb_and_flow: adamscain2: teach tweeker the word
wanker eb comsian03: why we come to malaysia
loveinnepal15 left the room
darennee: if god willing.. t
he_eb_and_flow: chat room tea boy comsian03:
hi comsian03: hi comsian03:
hi comsian03 left the room adamscain2: lol darennee: m'sia iz coool

audreywest644: fellas if youre feeling flirty hit me up

ringo_812000: YEAH

adamscain2: lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaao double shift nazi

darennee: ringo..n fellas...gotta go

rsilvester_1977312 joined the room a

udreywest644: anyone got pics? lets chat and trade

danielcochran7: lol luvable_rachelle_892: yay! jessica is coming over!!

darennee: im starving..need 2 get something 2 eat

sweet_desiree_242: oooohh im telling u have a crush on him!
just_nuisance: was it sewn closed
audreywest644: gentlemen... start your webcams! lol chat me up fellas!


adamscain2: i think opra has a nice butt

adamscain2: lol danielcochran7: i have 2

ringo_812000: YES SURE

sexxxy_silva_165: pm for pix, trade only

onorau_1987262 joined the room a

udreywest644: im cold and could use some suggestions on how to warm up ehehe rsilvester_1977312 left the room adamscain2 left the room

choirdiva29: ewww just the thought thomas lmao

darennee: ringo..fellas

adamscain2 joined the room the_eb_and_flow: adamscain2: lol choirdiva29: the_eb_and_flow: ello april choirdiva29: Hello Who

ringo_812000: WHAT? a

udreywest644: fellas if youre feeling flirty hit me up

adamscain2: i have a nice as m_sakrmasry80 joined the room onorau_1987262 left the room adamscain2: ask anyone d

arennee: leaving now.. darennee: tata.. adamscain2: lol just_nuisance audreywest644: anyone got pics? lets chat and trade

arashrostami_3000 joined the room r

ingo_812000: OK TATA

arashrostami_3000: HI

adamscain2: lol e

baudreywest644: i think i need less time studying and more guys pming me! lol the_eb_and_flow: lo

rj_macready6 left the room

choirdiva29: You could laugh in lol just_nuisance: lo lo lol

audreywest644: im cold and could use some suggestions on how to warm up ehehe

mrpic56: LOL eb is trying to debunk the system lmfao.....

choirdiva29: Just don't open your mouth lmao rj_

macready6 joined the room adamscain2: ebs into old school

mrpic56: Snark you kind of sounded like that chick from "the Diaries of a call girl" lmfao choirdiva29: wb RJ l

uvable_rachelle_892: girlie girl here to talk w/ you guys! pm me

rj_macready6: taa danielcochran7: lol sweet_desiree_242: ewww something in my room totally stinks!

btimur_1979805 joined the room

ringo_812000: HOW TO SEE THE ANGEL? queen_of_snark: oh, i haven't seen that one yet pic danielcochran7: die

audreywest644: did someone steal my towel in here? hehehe
sexxxy_silva_165: someone make this girl smile!

arashrostami_3000 left the room j

Just_nuisance left the room choirdiva29: nope

queen_of_snark: nup danielcochran7: who

audreywest644: anyone got pics? lets chat and trade

jennag_1975287 joined the room
vgeorgina_1987336 joined the room
adamscain2: mr pic why ya a player hater? btimur_1979805 left the room

ringo_812000: HE TOLD ME NOW

jerry_can_sam joined the room a

udreywest644: i think i need less time studying and more guys pming me!

lol choirdiva29: lmao adam m_sakrmasry80 left the room choirdiva29: danielcochran7: mrpic56: the_eb_and_flow:


audreywest644: im cold and could use some suggestions on how to warm up ehehe

adamscain2: he dont like nc ted necks

danielcochran7: lol

jennag_1975287 left the room the_eb_and_flow: aprils on crack to vgeorgina_1987336 left the room bikash_prdn left the room
seabrooki_1987153 joined the room s1983bisadora788 joined the room

danielcochran7: maybe lsrinivas_1986898

joined the room t

audreywest644: is this room just full of fake chicks? where are the dudes?
adamscain2: april dont do crack..shes on mt.
dew choirdiva29: lmfao I am cracking up over here


I would say that synchronous CMC is the most challenging task i was assigned to do for this semester. I faced many difficulties in completing the task. Initially, I thought that I was just required to do a summary on the selected journal but I was wrong. Then, I felt like crying when my first journal that I chose was accidentally meant to be similar with my friend. Because of this, I spent hours looking for a right journal again.

Other than that, the data from the chatting room gave me another terrible headache. I led the discussion in the Movie1: Chat room and the talking went on very instantaneous with good participation and immediate responses from the chatters. Unfortunately, I lose some larger important parts that I should have included in my data analysis- unknown virus infected my disk again! However, my analysis did not really affected by the losing data as I focused more on the types, functions and style of the language used.