Tuesday, March 24, 2009







The article, Formative Evaluation of Synchronous CMC Systems for a Learner-Centered Online Courses is written by C.Candace Chou .This article is retrieved on 3rd. March 2009 and cited from Journal of Interactive Learning Research, twelfth edition, 2001, via URL address, . Furthermore, this article purposely to introduce the significant of computer-mediated communication (CMC) particularly in distances education networks. Besides that, this research is done to examine the features of the variety of synchronous CMC systems. Meanwhile, it also means to identify the characteristics of the synchronous CMC tools which are most preferable and comfortable used during online interfaces. The research is also to observe how the learners actually can well-familiarize themselves with the use of synchronous CMC systems and lastly to analyze the vital features of the design of synchronous learning systems.


There are several research questions formed by the researchers in investigating the successful use of synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) systems. The questions which have been formulated would be firstly, how does the system architecture interface with instructional design? Secondly, how does synchronous CMC system can be maximized to enhance learning interests in distance education?

This research has been subjected to the students from University of Hawaii which consisted the students of various levels like junior, senior, and graduate students in communication, business, journalism, ESL and philosophy and it is based on a writing-intensive online course offered in the Communication Department of the university.

Meanwhile, for the duration of the study, this research has been conducted for six week intensive summer course. It has to be noted that there are four observers take turn each and every week writing down the evaluations of the course in a pre-designed log.
The method type of this research is a qualitative research. This is because, if to be looked at the procedures, the main activity that has been carried out during the research is actually a student –moderated seminar conducted once a week by way of various CMC systems but focusing only on synchronous components. The groups of students took turn to moderate the discussion and the host group is required to select a topic that is associated to CMC theories and post the questions for the discussion. Later, the host group facilitated during the day of the seminar and need to get cooperate with each other online within the tasks arranged like searching and determining on a topic, discussing the seminar procedure and providing background information for the class to read before the seminar.


The data collected for conducting this research are based on the observers’ logs where there are four observers to observe the course in three areas; student development, instructor-student interaction and also course elements. Meanwhile the data research on CMC skill improvement will look at the students completed the self-evaluative rating sheet on their CMC skills at the beginning, middle, and at the end of the semester on a one-to-five Likert scale. Besides, the data collection through the ratings on CMC systems will see the students complete the online rating sheet on social presence where the ratings included the bipolar pairs like impersonal-personal, distant-close, dehumanizing-humanizing, expressive-inexpressive, emotional-unemotional and insensitive-sensitive. It is truly examined on how both the senders and receivers can sense to each other during the conversation.

While, in terms of the rating on the communication effectiveness, the students can check themselves out about how far the effectiveness of the interaction with partners and the effectiveness of the information technology. The students will rate based on good-bad, accessible-inaccessible, distorted-accurate, true-false, pleasurable-painful, meaningless-meaningful, slow-fast and successful and unsuccessful. Lastly, the data collection also being collected from the students rate on the communication interface which include the simplicity , accessibility, easy navigation and open space; those are the characteristics that influence the students while go through the communication.


Furthermore, the findings of the research indicate that there are less number of reports on the difficulties of using the communication technology. Interestingly, all the students have shown the good performance and confidence while using the CMC systems. From the findings, it also shows that some of the students feel discontented and unsatisfactory because they are not being able to utilize the system effectively. In addition to that, the students are truly well-enjoyed using the WebCT, the test-based conferencing. According to the survey, the students have gave their numerous complaints regarding the WebCT in their journals during the first week of practice and that is why the WebCT application marked on the highest ranking at the end of the semester.

The other application of the system like the enhanced virtual system called as (The Palace) came at the second place. This is to show that the add-on affective elements such as wearable –avatars, voice –activation, bubble messages and etc., have made the online communication become more realistic as well as practical. Meanwhile, the results on the use of the audio-conferencing systems like CU-Seeme and CoolTalk are not much encouraging slightly because of the poor audio and video quality during the seminars which cause the students to repeat the questions for many times in order to get the messages across the wire.


As far as it is concerned, the application of the synchronous systems in language learning and teaching in Malaysia can boost up the students performance in the acquisition of the second language (SL2). As the students being exposed to the varieties of the synchronous CMC systems and the results shown are remarkable, it is apparent to us that the students are well-enjoying the online interface communication. Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of the online interaction seems very successful if to be applied in Malaysia educational system because the communication technology mostly gives the better chances for learners and teachers to have the familiarity with the global world as well as gives the exposition for learners to experience the online conversation with the native speakers. It should be noted that via the online communication like web chat, video-conference and virtual systems for distance learning , these tools are actually regarded as the paradigm shift to upgrade the teaching and learning process in the current Malaysian educational system. This is because according to Levy (1997) who popularized this concept for CALL as cited in Hubbard (2008), “the computer and multimedia application is greatly functioning as both tutor and tool”. Even so, the roles of the teachers are still there in the classroom to guide the learners in accessing the online interfaces. The key point of emphasizing the use of the synchronous CMC systems is that it gives the better approach for the learners to get exposed to the language experience. Thus, in this way through the sophisticated technology device it would bring the bountiful facilities for learners so that learners no longer face the tiresome and dullness of the classroom. Lastly, these are seen as the momentous shift for learners to possess more incentive towards second language acquisition and most important to note is that to build their self-confidence and to enrich students with the worldwide language experiences.


This sample data was taken from this website, retrieved 3rd March 2009. The data will be observed in terms of the language used; in terms of language politeness. The sample data is clearly shown that the speakers that whom involve in the online chatting are among the native speakers. They are the one who lead the discussion and online conversation and they are the one who dominate it. From the observation of the sample data, it is clearly found that most of the native speakers will communicate to each other by using the language politeness and some are not.

Indeed, from the study of the sample data, we can deduce that the native speakers sometimes could be ignorant towards the language politeness and somehow they could present their conversation or speech in polite manner. Presumably, the language used in terms of the language politeness are not seriously taken into yet the language politeness will only take place within the conversation when it is necessary for example when someone feel guilty and he or she will make her apologies for that.

The use of the language politeness that is used in conversation especially via this online interface communication depends on the certain people and region. It could be simply said that the language politeness occurrence will be varied according to different culture and region. In the sample data that has been found, the speakers involved as being known are the native speakers whom probably stay in the United State or in Britain or in New Zealand and so on . But, personally it could be assumed that the speakers are originated from the United State just by looking at their nicknames like Holly. Hanulla, Pete, BriannasMom33, Lodin and many more.

Through the observation of the sample data, the ignorance of using the language politeness could be seen when they speak to either their friends or to other people. For example, when paul-lakelanfl said “she is stupid--and he needs a serious a$$ whuppin”. Here we can identify when Paul-lakelanfl suddenly says ‘stupid’ it does not show the language politeness. In other example of the conversation can be recognized through Da Kine. His language goes like this; “I've been with women who were very violent and push me to damn near lose my mind”. And, when Alleylou82 said “TAKE IT OUT!!!!” in capital letters, it means he is shouting .It could be he disagrees with someone’s idea or feels angry or unsatisfactory ; thus does not show the language politeness at all.

Besides that, the language politeness resides within one-self of what his or her feeling towards others. Most likely, when someone feel annoyed to someone else , he or she tries to defend themselves by blaming that people then use the improper style of language which means speaking out of the language politeness. For instance, we can see how Alleylou82 deals with his conversation without any language politeness; “I don't care who hit who first. YOU DON'T HIT GIRLS! I grew up on that. It may just be the southern values in me but you don't put your hands on a girl.”

The things about the use of language politeness are very serious and important and somehow could be very sensitive within the Malay context. This is because the Malay people are very serious looking into the manner of speaking to someone. The slightest ignorance of using the language politeness will cause a person to feel offended and that is why the language politeness is very important in our culture

Whereas in the Western culture, this phenomenon is just a smaller thing as in their culture, the Western people are the society who always being open-minded and being liberal and they never feel touched of the sensitive issues. Furthermore, in their culture, they use to speak in insensitive way. For example, Da Kine says “she looks crazy enough to pull some crazy stuff”. Besides, we can also see how Alleylou82 speaks like this “If you are a linebacker, you can grab the girl and restrain her not black her eye!!!”. Meanwhile, could see also how Lodin responds in the conversation. He says “but Alley, even that would get the linebacker busted”.

On the other hand, in the Western culture, Western people are the people whom are very easygoing and can be very friendly and tolerant. They are easily to express their gratitude towards other people kindness. We can see the example via the sample data. For example when Holly.Hannula asks for Alleylou82 of where he lives, and when Alleylou82 turns to respond to Holly. Hanulla, she will forward her thanks to him. In other example is when Holly.Hannula says “Thanks for sharing your story Chris...there are a lot of people that don't believe men are abused, but it DOES happen!”. This shows the language politeness among them when they really appreciate others’ contribution.

In conclusion, the languages used in terms of the language politeness as in the sample data among the native speakers are varied according to the different part of the region. As being discussed above, the Western people are the people whom are not very conservative; they are always being open-minded in giving their ideas and in their conversation and sometimes they could be very outspoken to speak in harsh language which does not the use of the language politeness and we may get surprised to hear that sometimes. This happens because it is a part of their Western culture regarding the way they talk. Therefore, the language politeness would not be similar as in the Malay culture as we are conforming our values and identities.

Chou,C.C.(2001).Formative evaluation of synchronous CMC systems for a learner-centered
online course. Jl. Of Interactive Learning Research. 12(2/3) Retrieved March 3, 2009,
Hubbard,P.(2008).An invitation to CALL: Foundations of computer-assisted language
learning. Retrieved March 10, 2009, from
Meebo.Retrieved March 3, 2009, from


Chou,C.C.(2001).Formative evaluation of synchronous CMC systems for a learner-centered
online course. Jl. Of Interactive Learning Research. 12(2/3) Retrieved March 3, 2009,


Hubbard,P.(2008).An invitation to CALL: Foundations of computer-assisted languagelearning. Retrieved March 10, 2009, from


Meebo.Retrieved March 3, 2009, from


As I received the assignment on reviewing the article of synchronous CMC system, I felt a bulk of assignments that I have to carry out and felt a bit overburdened because of the time consuming; I need also to rush to do the blog with my groupmates. Our section has been assigned to a summary and analysis related to synchronous systems. At first, I thought it would be slightly difficult to search for the article over the internet nevertheless thanks to Dr.Rozina because she actually already gives some online article websites which are really helpful to me. It takes some time to search for the right article but after days I keep searching for that finally I found the right article for myself. But, it is not from my searching it is actually comes from my friend from section 2. She is willingly to give me her article. The fact that section 2 needs to do a summary on asynchronous CMC systems but unfortunately she was mistakenly and by coincidence found the wrong article. So, she kept that article for herself until we came across the conversation regarding the assignment on CMC and she told me what she found and then right after she gave to me willingly. Just after I got the article, all of us need to go to Dr.Rozina and check the article with her either the article is conforming to the synchronous or not. Praise to God, my article is accepted. But, the thin is that, after a few days, I kept thinking on how to do this assignment. Then, I read it and try to do it slowly until I managed to finish it line by line and pages by pages. This assignment is quite challenging to me as the time consuming, I have to burn the midnight oil in order to make up any other assignments. It is also challenging because I need to analyze very critically and also analyze the online chatting that have to be printed out. In my searching for the online chatting is also challenging because I don’t have the experience having the online chatting .But, luckily, I found it at last. However, this assignment on the synchronous CMC systems makes me understand how the system operates within the language learning and in current Malaysian educational system. After studying and reviewing on my journal article, I found that the findings are encouraging meaning that the students are well-learned and pleasantly learning the subject via the computer application. It is also a new thing for us in order to know that the results of the studying and learning of the language would be magnificent through the sophistication of the computer technology nowadays. From what I have observed through the paper, truly that idea of synchronous CMC systems does not only makes the student feel enjoyable while learning but also equip them with the experience of the language learning of the native speakers. Hopefully, this system can be widely used in the future so that learners can acquire language learning in successful way.